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Volunteer With Us

Our community works best when we work together and at Chester Elementary School volunteers make all the difference. We are always looking for individuals and groups who want to lend a hand, if you would like to contribute check out some options below.  

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Ad-hoc Support

Day-to-day volunteering can take many shapes. Based on your availability, your time could be used to support our regular events such as the Scholastic Book Fair, once-a-month pizza lunches and the summertime Pollinator Garden maintenance. Or, you could be called upon to support a larger event in a smaller capacity such as selling tickets.

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Adminstrative Support

Behind-the-scene volunteers are integral to the administration and planning of events at Chester. Joining the Chester School Council allows you to lead initiatives such as Fun Fair, movie nights, Winterfest or our monthly pizza lunches. Or you can join the committees supporting our work, such as the Garden Committee. 

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Big Events!

Chester School Council aims to offer inclusive community events that not only bring everyone together but also raise funds for our school. These events, including Winterfest and Fun Fair, require many hands and large support systems, and also draw the biggest rewards: the smiles on our students' faces.

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